Africa: CAR President Calls for Better Representation of Africa On the Security Council

Central African Republic, like nearly every nation on the planet, has not been spared by the COVID-19 pandemic, with indictors predicting a contraction by up to 1.2 of the country’s economic growth, President Faustin Archange Touadera said on Thursday, calling on world leaders to unite against the virus.

In an address to the UN General Assembly’s, annual debate, via a pre-recorded video, President Touadera asked the international community to find common solutions to eradicate the coronavirus.

Humankind is confronted by various challenges, he said, and as such, the theme of the 75th General Assembly session reaffirms a “collective commitment” to multilateralism, which he declared is the best instrument to combat challenges that respect no boundaries.

At this seventy‑fifth anniversary, it is essential to keep in mind the goals and principles that have guided the Organization as outlined in its Charter, said President Touadera.

UN ideal framework for multilateralism

In his…

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